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ever hear the expression... I'll scratch your back - If you scratch mine.

well ... that's .not love

... love is

i'll scratch your back because you need it

as many times as you need it

because you need it

and i do it

without hesitation

the question is not how far

the question is

do you possess the constitution

the depth of faith

to go as far as is needed

All is fair in love and war ... and .this is revolution

Fred Astaire, in "Top Hat" (1935)

this dance is medicated to the one ... who upon being warned ... that not
leaving me alone like all the other girls ... would be. the single
biggest mistake of her life ... proceeded to waltz with a maniac nonetheless.

and i'm grateful she did

to head-on train wreck survivors. to exploding live wires.

to a few good souls in Admissions.

In Nomini Patri. et Fili. et Spiritu Sancti.

An old saying goes way back. ... there are no atheists in foxholes.

Before 28 December 2001 ... I said .yeah .well .whatever

pray for death. fall in love. then lose it all.

and lose her to the cycle that has wrecked the lives of everyone you have ever loved.

best friends. family. one more shrink-wrapped smile. she's so much prettier when she's sad.

when you arrive at this point. you will ask three questions.

why is this happening to me. when will it ever stop. what the hell am I doing here.

out of this conflict will arise a fourth question.

why live.

To love on my own terms.

Those are the only terms anybody ever knows

...His own.

Orson Welles as Citizen Kane (1941)

Common Sense

by Citizen Audrey as Greg Candia (class of '0currently on suspension from the college.)

there is one time - and only one time ... in my entire life - where I know
... for sure - I did something. for someone else ... and expected .nothing in return

It came at the end of my junior year ... last year. The weekend of All College Day.

the weekend I came home to die.

you know how they say... if people start giving away their things - that it's a red flag for trouble.

well... it's true.

i was sifting through my room one day ...Through everything I now realized
... upon my death, would become pointless junk ... That I - Or anyone else
... would have no further use for - When I came across this Rage Against
the Machine album I .used to listen to

down the end of the hall. there's this guy I had become good friends with
over the year ... name's Dustin ... good guy ... really loves his music...
Had their first album ...and I knew he always wanted to listen to this one.

so why the hell not. This is gonna be the last time I'm ever gonna see him
- It sure as hell. not gonna do me any good where I'm headed ... he might
as well have it.

so I knock on his door. I ask him if he wants it. and I give it to him.

He says really?

i say yeah. keep it.

you sure?



no problem.

Afterwards ... amidst all the depression - and the bullshit - and so forth
... i feel good for no apparent reason. and a little strange... But I was

so miserable - that I didn't even care that it felt good - or strange...

Because that's how things were.

Needless to say - I spent the entire ride home cycling through reasons not
to end my life.

and to this day ... this is the only way I know real love is possible.
Because one fine afternoon ... i didn't care enough about myself - To even
want the goodness - the joy which comes from giving ... When I saw someone
take satisfaction in something I ever did for him.

i just felt privileged to make someone's day for five minutes

a word to the wise is sufficient
Don't come to Lafayette College.
In early 21st century America.
At this age.
and expect to find true love.

Maybe go wife shopping ... If you feel so inclined.

but don't expect to find true love.

Because it. just. doesn't. happen.

Because you have no business applying the term... college sweethearts .here

Because half of us never even. heard of dating ...as in class. order. and sophistication.
Because I thought we all agreed. this was how we were going to spend the best years of our lives.
Work yourself silly.
Get fucked up on weekends - starting wednesday
Get laid here and there.

Get cranked out of this diploma factory - with a degree or two.

no serious commitment to anyone but ourselves

And really ... I had no problem with that. before 28 December 2001.

when of all impossible things... I fell punch drunk. off my ass in love for a Lafayette girl.

so let me ask you something ... how's this working out for you

i could stand it any more... If what we're doing ... whatever this is.
we're doing - Actually made us better people ... but since most of us are
neither good - nor happy ... And at best, heavily sedated to the years of
quiet disillusionment ahead...
I can't.

And you say ... Tom - you fool - Lafayette College is in the business of
producing the next generation of leaders in business - engineering - the
sciences .etc .etc
...Shame on you. for questioning all the wonderful opportunities that've been presented to you.

well yes... of course - But coming out of high school - I was under the
impression ... call it simple of me ... That even though... Yes - I'm here
to better myself in professional pursuits - that maybe. I should also keep
my ear to the ground - For whatever romance may come my way - if it. so came
my way. And that more importantly - The opposite sex would feel the same
way... Knowing full well - That all of the wealth and success I'm going. to
achieve one day. won't be that much fun ... without someone to share it

But as I've discovered over three years. It was. simple of me. and that's

just not the case.
because everyone's too busy. just. too busy to be living their lives.

and .we .are .not .alive

We're the post-consumer waste of a lost generation that only cared to seize

the moment.

Yet we. Like our parents. do no such thing.

not to mention... by the time they graduate - most Lafayette girls are 21
going on 12. because - when you raise them to be little girls. they stay
that way.

And Lord knows ... us guys are no better. But at least when you've got it

going on with the big bank roll ...You know you can tell them where to sit

- and they're gonna like it.

Like strippers with a little more to hide. It's a lot of fun.

who's your daddy now.

because that's what passes for happiness for people like us.

~ the noon rush - somewhere on the quad - with Paul McCartney - over a joint no less. ~

Yes Paul ... Look at all the lonely people. Where do. they all come from.

Well Tom - that's a fantastic question ... and the answer is -

the root of all evil begins at conception.

~ Whoa dude. ~

... and it hits him.

******* insert - like, total instant karma *******

A desperate Jack Campbell ... Nick Cage - is hauling ass down the airport
terminal after Kate Reynolds ... a simply gorgeous - Tea Leone. After he's
spent most of the movie in an alternate reality... of what his life would've
been - Had he just not. gotten on that plane for London - after NYU.
now in a brutal twist of fate ...He's back - They haven't seen each other in

13 years ... And she's about 30 seconds away from leaving his life... forever.

At the gate he says something so utterly .dead-on about love and life. that

I'll never forget it.

He says - I know we could both go on with our lives...
and we'd both be fine. But I've seen what we can both be like together. ...
And I choose us.

And really. that says it all. Because you can. be happy without another
person in your life. But chances are - you will never be...
happy. because to love. someone requires a person to be wise enough
... to think

in us ... and live in us.

The Family Man. A movie that sufficiently pisses you off.
not because it's paltry bullshit ... but because we know that life is possible.

and that it just doesn't happen enough. anymore

yet everyday ... around the world ... people are finding the love that's
meant to last.

because that never changes
because like death. love. happens on its own time. despite what your
palm pilot says that day.

and you either make room for it

or you don't

and you lose it forever

and that's it

and if you get a second chance ... it'll be God's way of saying,

Quit fuckin around. I'm not gonna tell you twice.

but all things aside... if we started sacrificing half. the amount of time
we now currently spend on ourselves ... and devoted it to someone else - We
would not need to work so damn much ... just to provide for lifestyles and
opportunities that are not going to keep us satisfied... Anymore than our
parents ... the way a loving relationship could one day do for us all.

Because I'm not gonna lie. Post-adolescence is a bitch.

it's a time in your life where ... Yes - you may love your parents very
much ... but the bonds you share - can not support your growing number of
needs ... which can only be satisfied - as it should be - By someone else
... whom you will one day attempt to .build a life with

That's it?

yeah really.

there is one (1) reason to have sex. and that is this.

because you want to be moved to another place with someone you care deeply

Only then ... if you so choose to have children... you make sure you have
the resources - As best you can - You set a general time ... and you let
things take care of themselves.

because the last thing a man needs to hear... is just how much his woman is
because no one should enter this world a half-assed chore.

remember -

losers. try - to have a baby.
And winners shake the sky getting there.

and hell yeah

Everybody wants some - Everybody needs some. but the question is
for what reason.

well - more often than not... Sex is an attempt for most people - who
quietly hate themselves - to escape the pain and monotony of everyday

... because when you blow most of your days doing shit you don't want to ...
Sex becomes one of the rare few things you actually look forward to ...
Because it'll be one of the only times you'll allow yourself to .really feel

And when you're done slopping flesh
you'll never stay satisfied.

there is one (1) reason to get married. and that is this.

because you fell in love with someone. and someone fell in love with you.

and you care about this person more than anyone - Perhaps even yourself ...

and you understand - Not think - understand. their happiness means more to

you than your own. And to the best of your knowledge ... You foresee this

love - which is greater than the both of you ... lasting to such a degree

... that you wish to fortify your commitment and allegiance to each another

... forever

so I think we've exhausted every other reason besides the obvious... Like...
You're lonely... You're weak...
You need another piece of decorative furniture...
Someone else. thought it was a good idea. for you... Because

you think it's - The - Thing - to - do...

Because you done knocked her up...

Because you want to have a baby with someone - Anyone ... just to

validate your life... Because you want to escape the challenges of being an

actual .person by living vicariously through the life of someone who could

never respect you.

because you think any of this will make you happy.

there is one (1) reason to have a child. and that is this.

it is the deepest expression of two people's love for each other.

because that's how you bring a child into the world. under the auspices of
two loving parents who first sacrificed for each other ... before sacrificing together.

because without pain. without sacrifice. we would have nothing.

children are not hood-ornaments. they are not to be used to compensate for
your own inadequacies. they are human. beings. the future

... our future
and they are to be treated accordingly. so God help you.

there are four (4) reasons to have a career.

one. to provide for those you love. if you're single ... yourself.
two. to maintain a sense of duty and accomplishment in your life.
three. to reap the fruits of your labor.
four. to enjoy it.

so if you're not getting paid for something that satisfies you

... and there isn't a revolver to the back of your head

... and you make the rest

of us miserable by continuing to live.

then why are you doing it

people fuck up. that's a part of life. that's acceptable.

but beyond that. certain things are non-negotiable and these are

not polite suggestions

so for every selfish asshole. who thought it was in their right. to fuck up
this culture ... our home ... My home ... At their discretion ... Without being held accountable

i have a message for you.

the clock's run out

your time has come

now you shall all bear witness

since no one. can tell me what love ...real. love is anymore
... As I do
backstrokes through the festering piss and shit. of love and life gone wrong
... I'm left no choice but to build it myself
... from the very bottom.

The first brick says... no one wants. to be treated like shit.

The second
one says... when you don't treat someone right ...

The third one... love
is the ultimate stand. held in common.

The fourth one... i should not dread spending the next 50 years of my life with the same woman.

The fifth
one... having coffee is not the same thing as being in love.

The sixth
one... you damn right it is ... when you've found the right girl.

The seventh one... those who do not understand their own history ... are doomed
to repeat it.

Eight... If you choose love over. virtue ... you will have no

Nine... love is built on four pillars ... trust ... truth ... honesty ... sacrifice ... Anything less ... and it's something else.

Ten... you should be friends before you are lovers ... this I have learned.

Eleven... loving someone is not the same thing as being in love.

Twelve... the success of your relationship does not depend entirely on the
two of you.

Thirteen... you won't know everything going into it ... listen
to your elders.

Fourteen... if they've failed you in the past ... learn
from their mistakes.

Fifteen... in a loving relationship no one .needs. to
be in control.

Sixteen... share the pants.

Seventeen... if you can't
stand up for yourself ... you cannot stand up for someone else ... you're
not ready for a serious relationship ... you're not ready for marriage ...
you're not ready for parenthood.

Eighteen... when both parties are free to
think independently ... you maximize the utility of the relationship.

Nineteen... you can't expect someone to complete you ... complete yourself.
... then compliment each other.

Twenty... if you don't have your shit in
reasonable order from the start ... your probable rate of failure increases

Twenty-one... more often than not. people settle for what's
familiar ... whether or not that's best for them ... is really not the

Twenty-two... the only thing different should be a few pieces of
papers saying so.

Twenty-three... the price of marriage is constant vigilance.

Twenty-four... passion's overrated ... it will die out ...and
when the lava cools ... there better be a river of fire running underneath

Twenty-five... if you need to show everyone else ... then .it isn't

Twenty-six... never say those three words again ...unless you god
damn. mean it.

Twenty-seven... kiss her like it will be the last time ...every time ... until the day you die.

Twenty-eight... if it wasn't a
lot of work ... they wouldn't call it marriage.

Twenty-nine... it hurts
... because it matters.

Thirty... selfishness is self-destruction ... selflessness is self-destruction.

Thirty-one... I don't have time for this
... means .I don't have time for you.

Thirty-two... trade in your two saddles for a buggy.

Thirty-three... don't fool yourself ... we all need
the same thing.

Thirty-four... a relationship can survive a lot ... but
not everything ... that is why it is precious.

Thirty-five... it takes a
man to be a father ... never tell a woman. you can't bother.

not every man will love a woman ... the way a man loves a woman.

Thirty-seven... the words ... happily married couple ... would not be
said together ... if it never really happened.

Thirty-eight... if you ignore a problem long enough ... it goes away ... but not really ...
not really not really.

Thirty nine... sometimes .obsession just means it's real.

Forty... only get a divorce when you can walk out that
door with ... no anger ... no frustration ... and no remorse.

Forty-one... how do you walk ... do you walk beside her ...

which is better ... the love we make ... or you're the greatest thing that
ever happened to me smile ... I don't know which.

Forty-three... if you
don't make her feel like a woman ... and she don't make you feel like a man
... then something ain't right.

Forty-four... does she make you laugh
... she should make you laugh.

Forty-five... it should feel like the phantom limb you can not shake... because when she's gone ... so should be a
part of you.

Forty-six... it hurts when you treat me wrong ... more than
the rest ... the only difference is ... i can't hate you for it ... i
won't. hate you for it.

Forty-seven... i will love your faults ... more
than the gifts ... i will love your faults.

Forty-eight... if we can not
love ourselves ... we can not love each other.

because the truth is this

Inspirational Credit & Author Commentary

1.) The Boondock Saints. (1999) Twentieth Century Fox Pictures. Dir.
Troy Duffy. Starring Willem Dafoe, Sean Patrick Flanery, Norman Reedus, and Billy Connolly.

Set in South Boston at the turn of the century, The Boondock Saints is a
thrilling morality tale of two good-natured Irish brothers forced into a
bloody string of vigilantism when the Russian mob starts moving in on their
neighborhood. Originally set for release in the States in mid-1999 - this
film was banned from major theaters because of similar themes relating to
the Columbine incident. But don't worry! it went direct to video. And can
be found in most major video stores - sometimes under the "Customer Request" section.

When you're watching this film,
take special notice to a career-topping performance by Willem Dafoe playing the sharp,
eccentric - gay FBI agent - Paul Schmecker,
who must start following this trail of dead bodies left by
our two Irish friends
...Because not only is his individual performance excellent
- but his rendering of a tough-guy homosexual is almost entirely
unheard of in Hollywood movies.
And he does this in such a way ...arguably
the best way - That this revolutionary concept stays in the background. where it belongs.
And does not interfere with the telling of the story.
Sean Patrick Flanery (Powder) and Norman Reedus (Blade 2, 8MM) deliver the
best performances of their young careers. in this electrifying debut by first-time director Troy Duffy.

And because of its growing underground cult success The Boondock Saints is
now. as of this past year - Available on DVD. And a sequel - Boondock II:
All Saints Day is set for release later this year.

The passage on the second page - is a short monologue delivered by Il Duce

- Billy Connolly ... to the two brothers - during the final scene of the movie.

2.) Citizen Kane. (1941) RKO Pictures. Dir. Orson Welles. Co-written.
Orson Welles. Produced by Orson Welles. Starring Orson Welles.

Featuring the multiple talents of a brilliant twenty-five-year-old Orson
Welles... this film - loosely based on the life of publishing tycoon -
William Randolph Hearst... is considered perhaps the greatest film of

As the story goes ... RKO pictures was offered $800,000 ...the cost of the
film - by members of the Hearst estate - Not to release this film due to its
...at times - Striking resemblance to the real-life relationships, endeavors,
and estates of one William Randolph Hearst.

An incendiary work of art for its time ...Not only for its highly controversial nature...
But because Citizen Kane pretty much set the standard for the next fifty-years of film-making.
with a impressive showcasing of radically new camera techniques,
which can now be seen in pretty much every movie today.

3.) Fight Club. (1999) Fox Movies. Dir. David Fincher. Starring
Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helena Bonham Carter.

"Without pain. Without sacrifice. We would have nothing."

is the pivitol line delivered by Brad Pitt's character - Tyler Durden...
during the soap-making scene - where Tyler is in the process of
giving Edward Norton's character a chemical burn ... to make his point about the
importance of understanding sacrifice as being a very real. and very necessary. element to human existence.

this of course. is in response to the popular post-Baby Boomer attitude
that pain and sacrifice are to be avoided at all costs. and worse yet...
ignored and sedated.

I also chose to incorporate the imagery of a 'revolver to the back of the
head' from the Raymond K. Hessler scene - in the attempt to elaborate on
that concept... as it related to the themes in my work.

In this scene - Tyler forcibly removes Raymond K. Hessler
...a lowly convience store clerc. to the back parking lot.
Where he attempts to liberate our friend from the false understanding that he will be allowed to
live this life indefinitely - By placing a revolver to the back of his head.
And threatening to immediately end it.

This scene connects to the central theme of the movie - involving just how
much people can lack a healthy respect and appreciation for death ... and
consequently - Life. And that only through our understanding and acceptance
of death as a reality ... do we begin to achieve full life maturity.

so just imagine living in a society where fully-grown adults conduct themselves like children.
not knowing that death is a real. and that actions have consequences.

4.) Dr. Phil.

"Only get a divorce when you can walk out that door with no anger, no frustration, and no remorse."

Now when I first watched his show... I honestly thought - what a load of
crap... This is just about all we need in America right now... In the golden
age of trash talk shows - We now have a bona fide miracle healer on from 3
to 4 everyday on CBS.

Well... I have to say... After a few shows ...Dr. Phil - stole my heart.
Yes ... it's true. With this being the ultimate product of the self-help
generation - you would not expect to find a show that aims to give its guests and its audience.
useful advice they can actually take seriously - to
help better their lives. But then that shouldn't surprise anyone - given
that America's in such a giant spiritual depression - you have practically
everyone in therapy nowadays entirely clueless as to what the fuck's
going on

Granted - Dr. Phil isn't going to perform any miracles ... but nor is he
trying to. And if this loveable. tough-talkin Texan can help give people a
foot in the right direction - Then maybe he's alright.

5.) "Eleanor Rigby" by Paul McCartney of the Beatles, from their album "Revolver" EMI Records Ltd. (1966)

"All the lonely people... Where do they all come from."

You really can't. hate the Fab Four. I don't even. like the Beatles. and I
think "Revolver's" one solid album. Especially with the final track "Tommorrow Never Knows" -
where these shameless kings of 4:4 time. open up
and show a little creativity. But I mean. it's not their fault their music
represents everything which champions mediocrity and lowered standards of
living for the past four. decades

6.) The Family Man (2000) Universal Pictures. Dir. Brett Ratner.
Starring Nicholas Cage, Tea Leoni, Don Cheadle, and Jeremy Piven.

Deemed by the critics as a rip-off of It's a Wonderful Life (1946) I whole-heartedly disagree -
and instead say this is one of those rare types
of films. like Casablanca, and Fight Club, which delivers a message to the
American social conscience. at a time we need it most.

Sure, it's another Hollywood movie - but the difference is... like It's a
Wonderful Life - it's one of those movies which celebrates goodness and
decency in the world. That unlike your typical bullshit romantic comedy - You can actually take seriously.

I think the story of Jack Campbell and Kate Reynolds is something more Americans need to take a second look at -
in their attempt to return to the
essence of certain things. At a time we all need to get back to the essence.

7.) "Everybody Wants Some" by Van Halen, from the album "Women and Children First" Warner Brothers. (1980)

Eve-rybody wants some I want some too!

Eve-rybody wants some Baby how bout you?

I know. I know. ...I should be very ashamed. ... And I am. It's just
that ...my brother loved these guys growing up, and I couldn't help but always thinking
Eddie Van Halen was just one hell of a guitar player who -
Though creating music that means virtually nothing - is still a lot of fun
to listen to.
Three lead singers and one-hip replacement later ...VH is still king of the 1980's.

8.) "Feelin' Lowdown" by Big Bill Broonzy, re-released on the album "Absolutely the Best" Varese Records. (2000)

feelin lowdown... just on account a'you

Mississippi-born - Arkansas-raised - Big Bill Broonzy... born William Lee
Conley Broonzy
...was a simple delta blues player. who is perhaps the greatest artist
... of any medium
... of all time.

a veteran of the Great War ... Broonzy has gone largely unnoticed and unrecognized
by popular music historians - As being one of the most important musicians - of the twentieth century.
though - he has. been cited
on numerous occasions. as being one of the biggest influences for more well-known blues
greats like Muddy Waters - And is credited with heavily
influencing the Chicago blues movement - and consequently. rock-and-roll

With his incredible versatility and command of chromatic language... Broonzy
draws from a far broader musical range - than any other delta bluesman ...
and is fully capable of playing a bass line. chords. and an improvised solo
... at the same time ... with arresting grace.

Perhaps the greatest attributes of his artistry - is his ability not. to
show off. - in spite of his masterful technical facility and musical awareness
... as well as instilling
... pure
... unprocessed
... Soul
... in his music

because Big Bill is more than a musician
... he's a storyteller
... perhaps .the storyteller
... who tells the story of mankind.

9.) "Brother's Gonna Work It Out" by Public Enemy, from the album "Fear of a Black Planet" Def Jam. (1990)

"Is takes a man to be a father. Never tell a woman. you can't bother"

also as brick #35 in the final stage of my work... This phrase really struck home. being in my current situation.

Granted. eventhough it's referring to a social dilemma very far outside my
own... that of general urban decay... the song's message of spiritual uprising in the face of social evils...
transcend the context. and all context...
to arrive at the universal message. of what it means to be a father and a husband to your family.

Reprazentin the pride of Generation X hip-hop...
Public Enemy's, Chuck D,
is black ...
proud ...
- And one politically-charged muthafucka -
who packs a punch promoting action and positivity in his music.

And backed by the humor of fellow MC Flava-Flav, and the DJ talents of one.
Terminator X - Public Enemy tore up the American charts back
in a time where people knew the difference between rap and hip-hop.

10.) "Moment of Truth." by Gangstarr, from the album "Moment of Truth", Virgin Records. (1998)

Yo, I got one lyric pointed at your head for start... Another one is pointed at your weak ass heart...

Gangstarr, the duo of MC Guru - and DJ Premier ...NYC - Represents some of the finest -
If not .the finest. the world of hip-hop has to offer.

Growing up as a white kid from the burbs -
I never realized just how much my tastes in music were curtailed
by the droned-out barren evils of major-market radio. Until I came to college to be enlightened
by the .true music lovers.

I didn't listen to that rap or hip-hop stuff
- being played in the Jeep Grand Cherokees of every over-privleged brat.
Who thought he was bad enough to be straight outta Compton.

So my utter contempt for these people - Jaded my perceptions entirely ...
to potential for this genre of music. Which was eventually shattered ...
through the help of a good friend - by the ultimate joy, and artistry that is KRS-One and Gangstarr.

Guru, in the song - Salute Part II, featuring M.O.P -
is the first the artist or rapper -
that I know of. to make a distinction between the good
cops who do their job -
and the corrupt cops who bother and harass the poor folk...
constantly vulnerable to exploitation by the powers that be.

I also wish to pay respects to the song, "Discipline" - for the positive

message it brings...
all too often. growing up - I felt bombarded by the
media ...with images of rap and hip-hop always being this loud, obnoxious -
ultimately. violent medium - for which people who were poor, pissed-off, and ultimately self-destructive -
could spew their venom on the rest of society.

But as a poet on HBO's Def Poetry once said... The rapper hollers the lie
... the MC whispers the truth
"I got discipline baby... Whether you do or not."

11.) Casablanca. (1942) Warner Studios. Dir. Michael Curtiz.
Starring Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Paul Henreid, Claude Rains.

Of all the gin joints.
In all the towns.
In all the world
... She walks into mine.

Amen Bogey.

Considered perhaps the greatest film of all time ...
Casablanca is the story of cynical night-club owner Rick ...
played by Humphrey Bogart - who
has escaped the Second World War ...
and himself...
by setting up in this
wild Morroccan city of refugees, opportunists, and French freedom fighters
... where anything goes.

And just when he's grown comfortably bitter about life ...
in walks Ilsa -
a past lover from his days in Paris ...
played by a stunning Ingrid Bergman
- now at the side of a free-French leader - Victor Lazlo ...
played by Paul Henreid -
On their way out of the country.

Released .during the heart of the Second World War - Casablanca represents
not only the finest in American film-making - but is a true morality tale...
embracing the very nature of sacrifice - and the decisions any man or woman
must sometimes make in the name of love.

The line... Play La Marseillaise. Play it. - from which my work owes so
much credit to - Is ordered by Victor to the night club's resident band -
after a handful of drunken Nazi officers start singing Reich chants ... in
a room of desperate and defeated peoples.
And in perhaps the most emotionally electrifying scene in movie history -
Victor proceeds to lead the entire room in an eruption of La Marseillaise
... the French national anthem -
to drown out the Nazi's in a very moving display, of the human spirit's grace and vigor -
in the face of true evil.

And I challenge anyone to watch this part and not be moved to tears.

12.) The Rest of the Story. a book by Sheilah Graham. Coward-McCann. (1964)

You can have anything you want if you want it desperately enough. You must
want it with an inner exhuberance that erupts through the skin and joins
with the energy that created the world.

this passage is taken from the book of the woman who once said - "I won't
be remembered for my writing. I'll be remembered as Scott's mistress."

I'm inclined to disagree

Scott, of course, referring to F. Scott Fitzgerald - legendary author of my
second favorite book "The Great Gatsby." - who along with Graham - I owe the
largest debt of gratitude... for their inspirational words - at a time when
I needed to hear them most.

13.) Sweet Home Alabama. (2002) Touchtone Pictures. Dir. Andy Tennant.
Starring Reese Witherspoon, Fred Ward, Mary Kay Place, Patrick Demsey, and Josh Locus.

in the quest for truth. leave no stone unturned.
and know that Reese Witherspoon, is both cute. and hot.

14.) "Instant Karma," by John Lennon, re-released on the album, "Lennon Legend" Capitol. (1998)

Now don't get me wrong. John Lennon was a good guy.

But like the men of his generation. John Lennon ... had no. balls

Enter Yoko Ono. a controlling bitch - Who saw her ticket to international
stardom - And took it. cashing in on all the royalties. as soon as the 60s
ended. with her husband's tragic death 8 December 1980 - at the hands of one
Mark David Chapman.

And I criticize the music of John Lennon - not for the good intentions behind it.
but for the stark naivety from which it arose.
Clearly the highly-publicized "Bed-In for Peace" Movement - from which the
infamous phrase "Make Love, Not War"...arose - where Lennon, and Ono spent a
week in bed at an Amsterdam hotel, and a week in Montreal,
in protest of the Vietnam War - As a serious attempt,
by a civic leader of his respective generation, to not only bring about the end of the War -
but all. war ...
illustrates the good-natured, but largely ineffectual nature of his leadership.

as Chuck Palahniuk writes in his book "Lullaby" (2002) "every generation
wants to be the last." Where in this particular case - the youth of the
1960s. inspired by Lennon and others -
convinced themselves that their colorful pop-political action would in fact.
bring about the end of .all war.

"War Is Over" being their mantra.
Now war is never a good thing. But to say that it's not only possible, but
even probable. that any one.
generation will bring about the end of a tradition. as old as humanity
...is even worse. Not only worse
...but short-sighted. and irresponsible.

And consequently - the unsubstantiated idealism of his music - And that of
his generation - was largely ineffective in bringing about lasting. social change

And if Yoko Ono broke up the Beatles - it was because John Lennon
stop her.

15.) The Helio Sequence. and their album, "Young Effectuals", Cavity Search. (2001)

This was what I was listening to. while writing the bulk of this piece.

Brandon Summers and Benjamin Weikel are The Helio Sequence... an alternative
rock outfit hailing from Portland, Oregon - who successfully combine the use
of live instruments and synthesizes in their sound ... where so many others
have failed.

The great deal of LMF's creative influences have come from the American Northwest
... including the writing of Chuck Palahniuk - Also from Portland, Oregon -
and Nirvana - from the Seattle, Washington area. Among
other influences ...we have drawn from NYC hip-hop - and the delta blues of the American South.

We've chosen to embrace this fundamentally dirty. earthy - working-class
element to our art - in response to the values and atttitudes we feel have
gone asunder in the past 40 years of American history.

16.) Top Hat. (1935) RKO Pictures. Dir. Mark Sandrich. Starring
Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Edward Everett Horton, Helen Broderick, Eric Blore.
Music by Irving Berlin.

Perhaps the most legendary Astaire-Rogers work ever... and possibly one of
the greatest musicals ever... Top Hat is humanity at its finest.

if only any of us could dance like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers ...
whose flawless grace make dancing .look easy

Top Hat - receiving 4 Academy Award Nominations... including Best Picture -
is the simple story of Dale Tremont... Ginger Rogers - being unimpressed by
the charming pursuit of Jerry Travers... Fred Astaire
- whom she has mistaken for a friend's husband - And the humorous run-around they give
other through their antics.

Add in some gorgeous sets - top costume designers -
and one of the best scores in cinematic history by Irving Berlin - including, "Cheek to Cheek"
and "Top Hat"... and you've got an unforgettable movie experience.

A far cry from the era of marriage being a joke - and love not being something you can take seriously...
Top Hat embraces the innocence that life
.could be - And the light-hearted - uncynical joy... that Americans ...certainly our generation -
have been incapable of ...for so long.

No one's cheating on each other.
There's no glamorous overly-complicated plot.
Nothing shocking or offensive
... just two people falling in love

LMF salutes this unbeatable era in American filmmaking - for the degree of
care and professionalism involved in bringing these classics to life ... to
make them classics.

17.) It's a Wonderful Life. (1946) Liberty Films. Dir. Frank Capra.
Starring James Steward, Donna Reed, and Lionel Barrymore.

If you ever think life is shit and you want to die
and you mean it

...Do us both a favor. and set aside the next 2 hours and 15 minutes...

that you weren't planning to be around for anyways

... and please watch this movie.

And afterwards. If you still. don't think there's a reason to see tomorrow's sunrise...

You'll have my blessings to pull the trigger.

because - Believe me. I just so happened to come across this film - on Christmas. no less - as it's been shown on NBC for the past several years
...During some of the shittiest days of my life. And I still. found myself
inspired by the spirit of this film.

Released on Christmas Day - 1946 ...the year after the war...

It's a Wonderful Life, is the story of George Bailey ...

Jimmy Stewart - the local
banker in Bedford Falls - Who's spent his entire life putting the needs of
everyone else before his own.

And when George's own life takes a turn for the worse -

He's determined to
commit suicide -

before God answers his prayers -

and sends him a guardian
angel ...Clarence Oddbody - Lionel Barrymore...
Who must now show him what
life would've been like -
had he never been around -
to help convince him
that his life is indeed, worth living
...before he can earn his wings.

And if Donna Reed's performance as Mary Bailey isn't enough to convince you
that women are in fact, capable of fulfilling the sweetness and decency that's inherent in their nature
...then I honestly don't know what is.

perhaps celebrated too much

perhaps celebrated .not enough

It's a Wonderful Life is a movie that champions - with true grandeur... the
goodness and beauty, that is life.

and if I may say... In the immortal words of my good friend Dixon ...

It's a Wonderful Life

is just too good

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Copyright 2002,2003 D Thomas Audrey - Email: DThomasAudrey@lycos.com